A Minimally Invasive Approach for the Management of Multiple Chronic Oro-Antral communications after multiple failed sinus lifts attempts. A case report

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer, oral surgery & anesthesia department, faculty of dentistry, MSA University, Giza, Egypt

2 Associate professor. Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Kasralainy Faculty of Medicine Cairo University, Egypt


Objective: to provide a successful minimally invasive approach for the management of multiple large chronic oro-antral fistulas (OAFs)
Methodology: A 43 years old Egyptian male was complaining of two large OAFs at the maxillary right posterior region after multiple failed sinus lifting procedure. The OAFs were at the edentulous ridge of first and second molars and above the second premolar and were approximately 2*2cm and 0.9*1.5cm respectively. The OAFs were previously closed four times but failed after 1 week or less after each attempt. After consultation with the Otorhinolaryngology department, the patient was admitted for the operation room to correct a severely deviated nasal septum and to widen the sinus ostium. The oro-antral communications (OACs) were closed by two collagen membranes fixed with tissue tags and sling sutures over titanium screws.
Results: the OACs were successfully closed, tissues showed full maturation with 6 months follow up and the patient restored his normal life activities.
Conclusion: This minimally invasive approach has proven to be successful for the management of two large chronic OACs


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