Evaluation of Gap Distance of Different Types of Resin-Based Composites on Extracted Permanent Molars: In-Vitro Study

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer at Pediatric Dentistry Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Modern Sciences and Arts University (MSA), Egypt.

2 Professor, Pediatric Dentistry and Dental Public Health Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Cairo University

3 Assistant Lecturer at Pediatric Dentistry Department, Faculty of Dentistry, Modern Sciences and Arts University (MSA), Egypt.


Background: In order to overcome the time-consuming incremental cavity filling technique with conventional resin based composites, bulk fill resin based composites have been developed.
Methods: A total of 24 caries-free extracted human mandibular molars were used in this study (n=12 per group). Teeth were collected from National Institute of Diabetes and Endocrinology. All the prepared teeth were randomly divided into two main groups (n=12 per group) according to the type of resin-based composite used. The groupings were as follows: In Group 1, teeth were restored with Filtek™ Bulk Fill Posterior Restorative. In Group 2, teeth were restored with Filtek™ Z350 XT Universal Restorative.
The collected data was tabulated and statistically analyzed using two-way ANOVA.
Results: The marginal microleakage was done on sound extracted human molars using stereomicroscope. It was found that in group I (Filtek™Bulk Fill Posterior Restorative), the median microleakage scores was 2.0 which is significantly higher than the median microleakage scores of group II (Filtek™Z350 XT Universal Restorative) which was 0.5. There was statistically significant difference with a P value = 0.037.while the marginal gap distance for group I for score (0) there was no penetration at the mesial wall and pulpal wall while the distal wall showed 1.53µm marginal gap distance. While in group II (Filtek™Z350 XT Universal Restorative) there was no penetration at mesial wall, distal wall and pulpal wall for score (0).
Conclusions: Marginal microleakage was higher in Filtek™Bulk Fill Posterior Restorative than Filtek™Z350 XT Universal Restorative resin-based composite.


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